International Conference on Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability
October 21-23
Santoago de Chile, Chile
Professor Nuno Pombo
University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal
Nuno Pombo is Assistant Professor at University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal. His current research interests include software engineering, information systems (with special focus on clinical decision support systems), artificial intelligence, data fusion, and software. He has more than ten years of academic experience at Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) and Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), along with 20 years of experience in both knowledge transfer and industry; as software developer, team leader, project leader, and Chief Technology Officer. He is the coordinator of the Assisted Living Computing and Telecommunications Laboratory, member of BSAFE Lab, and Instituto de Telecomunicações - IT at UBI. In addition, he is (or was) member of the Management Committee of the following COST Actions: Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE), European Cooperation for Statistics of Network Data Science (COSTNET), and European Model Reduction Network (EU-MORNET). He has around 90 scientific publications including book chapters, full paper journals; e.g. IEEE Access, Applied Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Computer Science Review, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, and Measurement, just to mention a few. He has strong experience in R&D and cooperation at European level projects with both academia and industry. He is IEEE Senior Member.
Professor Simon Rogerson
Professor Emeritus in Computer Ethics
Centre for Computing & Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, UK
Simon Rogerson’s early career was in industry as a technical software developer and manager. In 1983, he moved into academia but maintained his industrial links through consultancy and work with IMIS, BCS and ACM.
He became Europe’s first Professor in Computer Ethics in 1998 and in 2010 became lifetime Professor Emeritus. He was the founding Director of the Centre for Computing & Social Responsibility (CCSR) at De Montfort University, launched in 1995 at the first ETHICOMP conference which he conceived and co-directed until 2013. He was the founder and editor until December 2021 of the Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society.
He sits on several international ICT-related advisory boards and has served on governing bodies in education and ICT. Most recently, he was appointed to the Ethics Committee associated with the Data Analytics Lab of the West Midlands Police.
For his leadership and research achievements in the computer and information ethics interdisciplinary field he was awarded the fifth IFIP-WG9.2 Namur Award in 2000 and the ACM SIGCAS Making a Difference Award in 2005.
He is the author of the World's first Ethical Digital Technology trilogy comprising The Evolving Landscape of Ethical Digital Technology (2021), Ethical Digital Technology in Practice (2022) and Imagine! Ethical Digital Technology for Everyone (2023). The trilogy, published by Taylor and Francis, explores the landscape of digital technology from a social-impact perspective. The contrasting approaches in the three books allow access to this landscape by everyone; academics, practitioners and the public at large, regardless of age.
Professor John Willmer Escobar
Universidad del Valle, Colombia
John Willmer Escobar is Titular Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance of Universidad del Valle, focuses on Applied Operations Research, Inventory Control and Warehousing Science, Transportation and Facility Location Methods, Stochastic Optimization, and Optimization under Financial Risk Environment. From 2003 to 2007, Prof. Escobar received a Scholarship to develop Postgraduate Studies in Finance and a Master's in Industrial Engineering. Besides, Prof. Escobar received the maximum grade on his Master's Thesis. The thesis uses the Sample Average Approximation Method to present the design, development, and solution of a Linear Stochastic Optimization Problem based on a Supply Chain from a Multinational food company. Also, Prof. Escobar received a scholarship from MIUR (Ministero Istruzione, Università e Ricerca) Italy to study for a Ph.D. in Operational Research at Bologna University. He obtained his Ph.D. with an honors thesis called "Heuristic Algorithms for the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem and the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem." Consultant and advisor on financial and logistical issues for companies such as Kraft Foods S.A., Dinaesmar Ltda., Syngenta S.A., Coomeva Emergencias Medicas, Coomeva Financiera, Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Buenaventura, Integra S.A., Ikea S.A, GVS Colombia, Polymers Crop S.A among others. Expert in financial risk, supply chain design, and transportation issues.